@@`ӽO@ P@ Q@R@S@ Sii  LD ========J.GUY 86================ RED RAT SOFTWARE presents (C) 1986 ================ by Andrew Bradfield graphics by Harvey Kong Tin ================ 29/10/86 ========J.Guy 86========al outcome of the expected ACK (A), COMPLETE (C) and CHECKSUM bytes: T means timed out waiting for character. Otherwise, actual character received is shown for A & C fields (underscore means not received). In CHECKSUM field, G means good checksum, B means bad. One retry is attempted after a READ ERROR ACG is a good status. The drive may return rror, ak, or simply not respond to a request resulting in a problem. Status bytes of 00 00 00 00 means no status was obtained. $Stop on error? (Y/N) $ Press to continue, any other key to cancel current series $1 Enter first (lower) sector number: $ Enter second (higher) sector number: $[SpaceBar] to scan more, any other key to exit ...$ Command cancelled by user ... $ERROR! Retrying ... $EXCEEDED RETRY COUNT. Press 1 to terminate operation Press 2 to write dummy data and continue Press 3 to skip remainder of this track Press 4 to skip remainder of disk $ Format Command Cancelled $Format Command Completed. $Disk has bad sectors. $Press Y for normal or A for enhanced (1.5) density $Do you want to format the Atari disk? (Y/N) $Write disk image to an Atari Disk ... $Disk image must be a RAMDISK $Press 1 to write entire disk; 2 to specify sector range $0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $~ Press any key (Q to quit) $Put sector data to screen? (Y/N) (Note: see 361-368 for DIR info) $NATTRIBUTE VALUES FOR SCREEN COLORS FOLLOWq >pCRC FOLLOWS:CRC CHECK BAD: POSSIBLE VIRUS INFECTION OR PROGRAM HAS BEEN ALTERED! $SIO2PC has a self check for virus detection. Alterations to the program cause it to give this warning. You may choose to change SIO2PC's CRC value if you wish, so this message won't be displayed again. However, this WON'T remove any virus which may exist. Validate or erase the program if you don't know what caused the bad CRC. Enter 'OK' to change the file's CRC. Any other key to NOT alter the file. $ TIMING & OPTIONS MENU TIME DESCRIPTION DEFAULT CURRENT T1: Time before 1st ACK 0300 0300 T2: Time before 2nd ACK * 0FA0 04B0 T3: Time before COMPLETE * 0300 012C T4: Time before COMPLETE ** 0300 012C T5: Time after COMPLETE ** 0300 01F4 T6: Time between data bytes ** 0000 0000 T7: Time between UART accesses 0008 0008 T8: Time between printer records 0000 0000 C: Change Disk Configuration T: Toggle sense of command line input D: Enter 1050-2-PC disk drive interface mode G: Hardware Diagnostics Sub-Menu * Data frame from Atari to PC ** Data frame from PC To Atari Enter item to change [1 thru 8, C, T, D]: (Any other key returns to SIO2PC) $ 1) Create header for SIO2PC compatibility. 2) Create disk image file without header. $Simulate copy protected disk? (Y/N) $NSimulate write protected disk? (Y/N) $ Not enough memory to buffer disk track(s) $Requested action is complete. Press any Key $NCurrent status of disks (Configurable, Y/N): $Enter number of disk to change its configurability status, any other key to quit this function: $Please enter 4 Hex digits: $0000  @ { , This function tests the communications connections to/from the Atari. Run DIAGS.OBJ on the Atari to put it into the same mode 1) Enter Intercom Mode 2) Line Status Troubleshooting 3) Sector I/O with Atari 4) N/A 5) Exit Diagnostics Sub-Menu $U% Serial Port Line Status Mode ... Command: Data Out: Data In: Press O to toggle DATA OUT line status. Press I to reset DATA IN status to high (Note: PC can detect DATA IN line transition to low, but cannot detect its return to the high state.) Press Escape to exit this function. $ Sector I/O Test - Press a key to cancel or when finished $ nnn *********** Ŀ 1050-2-PC MODE This mode allows the PC to connect to Atari disk drives directly and read or write information. Separate hardware is required. The SIO2PC hardware cannot be connected to an Atari drive and used for this function. Choose Option: 1) Read 720 sector standard disk to file 2) Read 1040 sector 1050 disk to file 3) Write disk image to the Atari disk drive 4) Read a specified block of sectors to a file 5) Format an Atari disk 6) Scan sectors for status & errors and/or view sector data X) Exit 1050-2-PC mode and return to SIO2PC $Reading Sector number(s): $ $SECTOR # : $ STATUS BYTES: 00 00 00 00$ Sector write failed, # $Writing sectors ... $SCREEN BLANKED - PRESS ESCAPE TO RESTORE$C:\COMMAND.COM COMSPEC= Type EXIT to return to SIO2PC$Memory alloc function 4Ah, error # $Error in EXEC function 4Bh$ Error: SIO2PC memory not last in chain$Choose standard sizes from list (Enter Choice:)$Choice Sides Tracks Secs/Trk KBytes Sectors 1 1 35 18 79 630 2 1 35 26 114 910 3 2 35 18 157 1260 4 2 35 26 227 1820 5 1 40 18 90 720 6 1 40 26 130 1040 7 1 77 26 250 2002 8 2 77 26 500 4004 9 1 80 18 180 1440 A 1 80 26 260 2080 B 2 80 18 360 2880 C 2 80 26 520 8200 $Choice Sides Tracks Secs/Trk KBytes Sectors 1 1 35 18 157 630 2 2 35 18 315 1260 3 1 40 18 180 720 4 1 77 26 500 2002 5 2 77 26 1000 4004 6 1 80 18 360 1440 7 2 80 18 720 2880 $v @ @v@ p`'8 > }-AZH'N,}(Y####((MMPPPP##(MMPP@  DISK $ @  DISK $ @  DISK $ @  DISK $ @  DISK $ @  DISK $  SIO2PC: an Atari to PC interface by Nick Kennedy 300 South Vancouver St. Russellville, Arkansas, 72801 (501)-967-3843 email: nkennedy@cswnet.com VIRUS CHECK INFO: FILE SIZE MUST BE 21174 bytes Additional commands not on menu: B - Blank Screen (toggle) Z - Sound On/Off (toggle) CRC: 0000h $ERROR VIRUS CHECKING FILE. VIRUS CHECK ABORTED$VIRUS WARNING: PROGRAM SIZE IS BYTES LONGER THAN EXPECTED$CRC CHECK O.K.$NOT ENOUGH MEMORY FOR VIRUS CHECK$SIO2PC 4.19 : An Atari to PC Interface System$Enter configuration information:$C - CREATE ATARI DISK IMAGE$I - INSTALL PC FILE AS DISK$L - LOAD DISK IMAGE FROM FILE$W - WRITE DISK IMAGE TO FILE$S - SET PORT NUMBER: ?$T - TOGGLE STATUS LINE$Q - QUIT PROGRAM$J - JUMP TO ULTRA SPEED (TOGGLE)$X - EXCHANGE DISK I.D. NUMBERS$Enter first number: $Enter second number: $K - LOCK DATA LINE: ( AUTO )$E - ENTER HEX ADDRESS: xxxx$H - EXIT TO DOS SHELL$D - DISPLAY DIRECTORY$P - PRINT_THRU: $ON$, S$, P$, F$, X$, 7$, LF$, T$U - UNINSTALL DISK$A - ALTER BUS TIMING VALUES$ AUTO LOCKEDEnter address: $Disk Emulator is running.$Value out of range.$This disk # already exists. Renumber or uninstall.$Not enough memory for ramdisk. Using file access.$Ramdisks changed. "Q" to quit, any other key to cancel$Ramdisk not saved. "Y" delete anyway, "N" abort command$UART DOESN'T READ BACK. POSSIBLE PORT ADR. ERROR.$UART FAILED LOOPBACK TEST. POSSIBLE PORT PROBLEM.$ENTER 1/64K, 2/92K, 3/133K, 4/184K, 5/CUSTOM, 6/MORE$ENTER SIZE (DECIMAL) IN SECTORS (65535 MAXIMUM): $*** ERROR: DISK MAY BE FULL - TERMINATING PRINT_THRU MODE ***$Hardware error, INT 024h status: Check disk drive and/or printer & correct problem $Press "I" to ignore error and continue, Press "R" to retry DOS function and continue, Press "E" to exit SIO2PC and return to DOS.$ 64K, 92K, 133K, 184K, 00000Warning: actual # of sectors is #####$Warning: Density selection doesn't match actual$ SD, DD, Press ... P to force physical file access N to skip clearing file disk on formatting Enter when finished with options$This RAMDISK does not exist.$Use existing file spec? (Y/N)$ERROR opening file. DOS Error code = $This file already exists. OK to overwrite? (Y/N)$Error creating file. DOS Error code = $All disk control blocks in use. (4 maximum)$Partial record written. Disk may be full.$ERROR in writing file. Correct and retry.$ERROR writing file. Transfer aborted.$FILE TRANSFER COMPLETED.$FILE TRANSFER MODE. PRESS ESCAPE TO CANCEL.$CREATING RAMDISK:$Enter S or D for SINGLE or DOUBLE density$CHOOSING PORT NUMBER:$PLEASE ENTER # OF COM PORT TO USE (1 - 4)$PLEASE ENTER # OF RAMDISK (1 - 8), ESC to cancel.$ERROR READING FILE $ERROR SETTING FILE PTR (FUNC 42h) AX = $Error writing file (FUNC 40h) AX = $Press any key to continue$Press any key to continue or ESC to quit$ Error closing file. (FUNC 3Eh) AX = $Physical disk file. Use UNINSTALL to close file. $ͺ˻̹ij¿ŴEnter search spec or just ENTER to cancel. Examples: A:*.* ..\*.AT? C:\ATARI\*.* *.* $ Drive Change Function Failed. Press a Key $C:\C:\*.*[ CANCEL ][ TYPE SPEC ]Invalid path error. Enter new search spec $Select the desired file or directory and press Enter. Use arrow keys and page up / page down to navigate. Use [ TYPE SPEC ] (or SPACEBAR) to manually enter a drive, path, search spec or combinations of these. Examples: C: \ATARI\*.ATR A:\*. ..\ATDIR\ *.* *.AT? Directory spec without search spec should end with a backslash. NOTE: Search specs with extensions usually won't find directories. Use *.* or *. to find dirs @PATH ERROR; RETRY OR JUST "ENTER" TO CANCEL$ Error in directory process; press any key $ ENTER "1" FOR PC DIR ENTER "2" TO EXTRACT ATARI DIR $ENTER Atari image file search spec. EXAMPLE \ATARI\GAMES.ATR add ",P" for output to printer $ENTER directory search spec. EXAMPLE: \ATARI\*.* $ End of search - Press any key$ {dir}FILENAME.EXERFILENAMEEXT . Directory of: $ $ Contents of subdirectory $DIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEDIR_NAMEMLPC FILEInstall PC file as simulated disk image... Press N for NO auto-uninstall after read Press B to install simulated BOOT file Press Enter after desired options are selected$HDL: CMND: LAST: DEV: COM: ERR: SEC#: ##### RAM: ###K SPEED: N$ $ $ $ 00000Z  -NLoad Disk File into System...$ENTER DISK # (1 to 8): $ENTER FILESPEC: $RAMDISK TOO SMALL FOR THIS FILE$WARNING! ERROR READING FILE$WARNING! READ END-OF-FILE EARLY$THIS FILE IS NOT AN ATARI DISK FILE$PRESS "Y" TO FORCE FILE SIZE TO STANDARD (FIX BUG)$BE SURE TO WRITE FIXED FILE BACK TO DISK$ NONE(Enter "P" for Printer, "S" for Screen, "F" for File [P,X,F]$Convert EOL to CR or CR/LF? (Y/N) [X]$PRESS "Y" to add Linefeed in addition to CR [LF]$PRINT_THRU mode disabled$Clear high bit to 0? (Y/N) [7]$Convert ATASCII TAB to PC TAB? 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